Profile PictureTravis Hubbard

$50K Goal Monthly Newsletter

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This is a subscription newsletter; if you don't know what that means, stop reading now and go back to whatever you were doing.

I started writing online back in 2019, and in 2020, things really took off. Many people were looking for alternative ways to make money from home, wherever home happens to be.

I wrote an article called Why $50,000 a Month Should Be Your Revenue Goal and it exploded.


The comments still make me laugh to this day.

That's impossible! You're insane! It can't be done!

It is possible, and it can be done. People are doing it every day, and it blows people's minds.

If you want to see some angry comments, check out the following profiles on X:

Brett @ DesignJoy - I'm not sure if Brett started the Productize Yourself movement, but he's attached to it now. His public numbers show him at $165K a month.

levelsio - If you're in tech, you know him. He wrote Make, and he ships a product a month to see what sticks. Last time I checked, he was closing in on $200k a month.

They are both solo operators. I think that's what pisses people off the most.

We're taught to show up on time, sit down, shut up, do our jobs, and leave when they tell us we can.

Fuck that.

Think Bigger.

I started writing code professionally back in 1994. It took forever to get a job because I didn't have a degree. So I bypassed all that bullshit and started contracting. My employee friends were making $42K a year in a nice, safe job while I was "risking everything" (according to them) by jumping from contract to contract every 6 to 18 months. I earned over $200k a year back then because I had the balls to ask for it.

Fast forward to 2003. I was in a nasty divorce and needed to earn money from home so I could take care of my 4 y/o son. Being a developer it was easy for me to cobble together a static website to sell products.

I wrote an ebook about being a Dad, getting a divorce, getting custody, and what I did to win. It was brutal, and it sold well.

But what I learned from that experience was more valuable than money.

I learned how to build an audience, identify problems, create solutions, and flip emotional triggers to get people to buy.

Insanely powerful stuff.

Copywriting. It's a skill that can make you millions if you know how.

Copywriting is just one of many skills that can do the same.

If you're the sensitive type, I'm not for you.

But if you're interested in learning from a guy that's done some crazy shit, earned a ton of money, is good at getting (and keeping) attention online, and knows how to build and monetize an audience, then I might be for you.

What you get.

I send one "newsletter that could be an ebook" each month. It's packed with information: stories, links, tips, tricks, business ideas, and content ideas that will help you create content, grab people by the eyeballs, and create offers.

My goal is to help as many people as possible think differently.

I will help you identify the skills you have, or can quickly learn, that will help you earn more and create freedom like you've never known.

I promise it won't be boring, and that's my only promise.

Will I make $50K a month?

I have no idea. There's no way any sane person can legally make that claim. But it should 100% be your goal.


Because it pushes you to do more.

Click "Subscribe" and let's get busy.

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An insane "newsletter that could be a book" delivered to you every month packed with tips, tricks, ideas, strategies, rants, content ideas, and other nonsense you can use to get attention and start making bank online.

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$29 a month

$50K Goal Monthly Newsletter

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